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Eagles Wings Housing Annual General Meeting

Eagles Wings Housing held its second AGM on 22nd APRIL 2017, at Christian Church International Thika grounds, inside Koinonia Hall. We were pleased to have more than 30 people in attendance.

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EWH AGM 2017 4

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EWH AGM 2017 3



Members attending the event listened to Auditors Report, presentations by the Management Committee Chairman (Rev. Kabocho), and also report given by the Supervisory Committee Chair (Gatu W. Mwangi). The members then proceeded to ask various questions about the progress, and the committee was at hand to ensure they were answered.


Key Pointers to note that came from the reports and presentations include the following:

  • Phase One Isiolo Plots have SOLD OUT. Following the opening of the International Airport by His Excellency, the price of those properties has also appreciated greatly. Members who have balances for this plots are urged clear before the end of April or they would become viable to an extra cost for the same.
  • Phase Two Eagle’s Paradise 1 (former Kambi Mawe), we have about 35 plots remaining at Ksh.250,000/ for members and Ksh.270,000/ for non-members. In the same premise, the Society is collaborating with AGRIBEST, who are on site raising a gree-house with Tomatoes. The collaboration will see members have the opportunity to invest in Agri-business at a cost of Ksh.248,000/ inclusive of insurance and the legal fee, for 3 years. In return, after every 6 months, the member will receive Ksh.100,000/ and the same for next six seasons less cost of fertilizer, seeds, and manure. The board also allowed for a special offer for those investing in the agribusiness.
EWH Agri Business

EWH Agri Business

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EWH Agri Business_2






  • Phase 3 Eagle’s Paradise (Ngobit), the introductory price per plot for members is at Ksh.200,000/. The land is about 3.5 km from Nyeri Nyahururu Highway. The land would also be available for Agri-Business. Any interested member can book for a plot with Ksh.100,000/, to pay the balance within six months.
  • Eagle’s Wings Housing Estate Management Agency has already started. Members who bring customers to the agency will get a commission.

In conclusion, Members were urged to clear their payments (those who had not yet). The society promised to keep engaging in new ways to uplift the lives of the members. All members were urged to continue being ambassadors in all platforms in advertising and publicizing our products to raise the market share.


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EWH AGM 2017 2

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